take it for granted - 英文線上字典,包含英漢字典、漢英字典 ... take it for granted中文意思: take it for granted [] v.視為當然..., 學習take it for granted發音, take it for granted例句盡在WebSaru字典。
take for granted是什么意思 - 查查在线词典 take for granted的中文意思::认为是理所当然的…,点击查查权威在线词典详细解释take for granted的中文翻译,take for granted的发音,音标,用法和例句等。
take - definition of take by The Free Dictionary take (tāk) v. took (to ok), tak·en (tā′kən), tak·ing, takes v.tr. 1. To get into one's hands, control, or possession, especially: a. To grasp or grip: take your partner's hand. b. To capture physically; seize: take an enemy fortress. c. To seize with auth
take for granted - VoiceTube《看影片學英語》 行動版 - 例句:Never for a moment take for granted that love would stay there for ever.永遠都不要理所當然的認為 ...
香港閱讀城| 圖書試閱| 英文,放馬過來!文字的意義和差異 另一位讀者的問題也涉及take 字: take it for granted 是甚麼意思? Grant 做動詞, 是「 允許」 、 「 同意」 的 ...
Take - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary Definition of TAKE 1: something that is taken: a: the amount of money received : proceeds, receipts, income b: share, cut c: the number or quantity (as of animals, fish, or pelts) taken at one time : catch, haul d: a section or installment ...
What We Do - we take our health for granted until something happens » Dr Steve Joe Integrative medic Isn't it funny that the machine we most rely on (our bodies) is the least that we spend time on maintaining. We throw at it all sorts of insults in the form of processed food, alcohol, environmental toxins and lack of exercise hoping that it will cope and
Beer Brewers Unite To Call For Action On Climate Change WASHINGTON -- A group of 24 brewers from across the country have come together to cut greenhouse gas emissions from their operations and call for strong national action to address climate change. The breweries, which include Smuttynose Brewing Company, Gu
「不要介懷」和「視作當然」 | 蘋果日報| 果籽| 名采| 20021010 2002年10月10日 ... Grant做動詞,是「允許」、「同意」的意思; take something for granted直譯是「視某事 為已獲許可的」,意譯 ...